Ang Kavya (Hindi) (Hardcover)

ISBN: 978-81-241-0861-1

INR 495
INR 450

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Ang Kavya (Hindi) (Hardcover)

Due to the paucity of good books with authentic information on Kathak dance, the need for a book like Ang Kavya was greatly felt. Earlier, dance movements had no established names, and hence it was difficult to refer to them without actually showing them.

About The Author


Born in the family of hereditary dancers. BIRJU MAHARAJ is the torch-bearer of the famous family. Kalka-Bindadin Gharana of Lucknow, which has been serving the art of Kathak dance through centuries.


Book Details
ISBN 978-81-241-0861-1
Subject General
Number of Pages 85
Weight 412 g
Publisher HarAnand Publications
Publication Year 2002
Language Hindi
Binding Hardback

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