Virat Hindu Identity-Concept and its powers (English) (Hardcover)

ISBN: 978-81-241-1770-5

INR 495
INR 400

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Virat Hindu Identity-Concept and its powers (English) (Hardcover)

The book focuses on Virat Hindu Identity as a weapon of mass national churning and upsurge in society, to make Hindus rise above their petty local, linguistic and caste loyalties nd weld society to teflect the 'Virat Hindu Identity' of India's ancient unbroken civilization.

About The Author

Dr. Subramanian Swamy

Dr. Subramanian Swamy earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University in 1965. He conducted his doctoral research under the guidance of Nobel laureate Simon Kuznets. Additionally, he collaborated with Nobel laureate Paul A. Samuelson from MIT on published research concerning the theory of index numbers in 1974 and 1984. Dr. Swamy taught Economics as Assistant (1964-65) and later as Associate Professor (1965-69) at Harvard. He continued to teach at Harvard till 2012 as a visiting professor in the summer terms. He has authored over 50 research papers on index number theory, economy of China, and also authored several books on Economics, on China, and contemporary Indian issues. Dr. Swamy’s contribution during struggle against the State of Emergency and its dictatorship brought him into immense political limelight. He has been a Member of Parliament six times, and has also served as India’s Senior Cabinet Minister for Commerce, Trade, and Law & Justice in the 1990s. Currently, he is a senior leader with the Bharatiya Janata Party.


Book Details
Author Dr. Subramanian Swamy
ISBN 978-81-241-1770-5
Subject General
Number of Pages 200
Weight 410 g
Publisher HarAnand Publications
Publication Year 2013
Language English
Binding Hardback

Reviews of Virat Hindu Identity-Concept and its powers (English)