Har-Anand Publications

History and Politics

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur: Battle Strategy against Mughal Forces

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur: Battle Strategy against Mughal Forces
Military Strategy has been used since ancient times in large and small battles. Effective strategies are additional help in winning a battle. This subject is discussed in Mahabharata but it being a mixture of fables and facts does not remain authentic for such like studies. The central China, during 300 B.C. to 300 A.D., consisted of about 30 states perpetually at war with each other. A number of experts came up to guide rulers and their commanders in the art of battle strategies. Sun Tzu was one such expert who wrote a treatise on the art of war and battle strategies. In 1772, a French Jesuit P. Amiot came across the same and translated it in French, N. Conrad translated it in Russian, and Captain E.F. Calthrop translated it in English. The book became very popular with the generals of the western world and after some time with the management institutes the world over. It is a first attempt about the successful use of strategies by an Indian general only 300 years back. It is considered that the study thereof will be greatly useful with the defence organizations and the institutes of management as the detailed strategy along with the battle details are given for easy understanding.
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ISBN : 978-81-241-1469-8
Military Strategy has been used since ancient times in large and small battles. Effective strategies are additional help in winning a battle. This subject is discussed in Mahabharata but it being a mixture of fables and facts does not remain authentic for such like studies. The central China, during 300 B.C. to 300 A.D., consisted of about 30 states perpetually at war with each other. A number of experts came up to guide rulers and their commanders in the art of battle strategies. Sun Tzu was one such expert who wrote a treatise on the art of war and battle strategies. In 1772, a French Jesuit P. Amiot came across the same and translated it in French, N. Conrad translated it in Russian, and Captain E.F. Calthrop translated it in English. The book became very popular with the generals of the western world and after some time with the management institutes the world over. It is a first attempt about the successful use of strategies by an Indian general only 300 years back. It is considered that the study thereof will be greatly useful with the defence organizations and the institutes of management as the detailed strategy along with the battle details are given for easy understanding.
Dr Surinder Singh Dr Surinder Singh, M.A. History, M.A. Political Science, after over thirty years service in Indian Defence Accounts Service retired as Controller Defence Accounts in 1987. After retirement, he took to the study of Sikh coinage, of which he had a sufficiently large collection. Since this subject had not been given serious attention by any historian, the entire period of the Sikh history (Guru period to the occupation of Sikh state by the British in 1849) had to be studied in gleaning out facts about Sikh coinage. After completion of Sikh Coinage: Symbol of Sikh Sovereignty, he has undertaken writing of a comprehensive history of Banda Singh Bahadur, which is likely to be published by early 2010. This booklet is only a part thereof on the battle strategies adopted by Banda Bahadur against the Mughal armies.
Book Details |
Author | Dr Surinder Singh |
ISBN | 978-81-241-1469-8 |
Subject | History and Politics |
Number of Pages | 128 |
Weight | 330 |
Publication Year | 2023 |
Language | English |
Binding | Hardback |